Integrated Manual Therapy

Experience the benefits of holistic manual therapy and exercise for pain and injury.

person climbing concrete stairs
person climbing concrete stairs
First of all

Lectures and Workshops

Ron offers lectures and workshops to educate individuals and organizations on the benefits of:

Exercise- with a know your body approach

Manual therapy for pain and injury

Contact Ron to schedule a custom workshop for your group.

Not to mention

Manual Therapy

Experience the benefits of manual therapy for pain and injury. Ron’s excellent understanding of clinical anatomy, physiology and exercise science allows him to thoroughly assess regions of the body and provide effective treatment.

white roses
white roses
And let's not forget

Exercise Prescription

Ron’s knowledge of exercise science allows him to prescribe tailored and effective exercise programs to help you return to function and prevent future injuries. Whether you are an athlete or just looking to improve your fitness, Ron can help.

woman wearing black sports bra
woman wearing black sports bra

About Ron McKerracher

Ron McKerracher is a Registered Massage Therapist and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. He has taught Clinical Anatomy and Orthopedic Assessment to curious college students for over 10 years. He has over 20 years of experience in manual therapy and exercise prescription. He has worked with clients of all ages and fitness levels, and is dedicated to helping individuals achieve pain-free movement and optimal function.

Heal your pain, move with ease.

Get in Touch